Struggle to Strength

Mathilda Irawan’s Path to Purpose and Wellness

Healing Through Hardship
The Transformation of Mathilda Irawan

The Mathilda Credo

Finding Purpose Through Inner Work

July 2024 edition

by Shaun Michael Samaroo

In the bustling heart of Oshawa, Ontario, a vibrant plant-based restaurant, Mathilda’s, stands as a lighthouse of health, hope, and healing. Its presence on Simcoe Street, the main gateway to the city, is more than just a culinary establishment; it’s a testament to the power of human resilience and the transformative nature of purpose-driven living. But behind its serene facade and nourishing menu lies a story of remarkable resilience and transformation. Mathilda Irawan, the restaurant’s founder, has journeyed from a life of upheaval to become a beacon of wellness and entrepreneurship, her path marked with challenges that would have broken a less determined soul.

Born in Indonesia in 1983, Mathilda’s early years were far from idyllic. As part of the Chinese minority in Indonesia, and also of the Catholic faith, her family faced persistent discrimination and lived under the constant threat of violence. This underlying tension erupted into full-blown chaos during the 1998 riots, a period that would leave an indelible mark on young Mathilda’s psyche.

“It was a very scary time,” Mathilda recalls, her voice quieting as she revisits those harrowing memories. “We had to hide in our house, and we could hear people screaming and burning things outside. We didn’t know if we would survive.” The fear and uncertainty of those days would become a crucible, forging Mathilda’s resilience and determination.

This traumatic experience catalyzed a series of migrations that would shape Mathilda’s formative years. At the age of 14, she found herself transplanted to Perth, Australia, a move that promised safety but brought its own set of challenges. The language barrier loomed large, and the cultural shock was profound. Mathilda found herself navigating a completely new school environment, all while grappling with the emotional aftermath of leaving her home under such tumultuous circumstances.

But Mathilda’s journey was just starting. In late 2001, when she was 18, her family uprooted once again, this time settling in Scarborough, Ontario. They arrived on December 5th, amid a Canadian winter, with only ten boxes of belongings to their name. The contrast between the tropical climate of Indonesia and the snow-covered streets of Scarborough couldn’t have been starker, a physical manifestation of the immense changes Mathilda had endured in her young life.

Each move brought its own unique set of obstacles: new languages to learn, unfamiliar cultural norms to navigate, and the constant struggle to adapt to new environments. Many would have buckled under the pressure, but Mathilda’s spirit proved indomitable. At 16, while in high school, Mathilda worked as a server and later customer service and daycare assistant as her family faced financial struggles. “All that was in my mind was to make a way for my family,” she said. “I felt responsible for them and wanted to give them a better life. I worked while in school and did everything I could to help alleviate my family’s financial burden. That’s why I studied hard to get bursaries to help with tuition.”

This sense of duty and sacrifice would become a defining characteristic of Mathilda’s journey, shaping her future endeavors and fueling her drive to succeed.

The move to Canada presented yet another reinvention of her life. At 18, an age when many are just beginning to explore their independence, Mathilda was already shouldering the responsibilities of an adult. She secured a job at Rogers as a customer service representative, to pay for tuition and help with household bills.

These early experiences of displacement, discrimination, and financial hardship could have easily become insurmountable obstacles. Instead, they became the foundation upon which Mathilda would build her resilience, her empathy, and her unwavering determination to create a better life not just for herself, but for others as well.

Resilience and Redemption
Mathilda Irawan’s Journey to Success

The Path to Self-Discovery

Despite the hardships that marked her early years, Mathilda’s determination never wavered. While working full-time at Rogers, she pursued her dream of higher education with a tenacity that would become her hallmark. Balancing the demands of a full-time job with the rigors of academic life, Mathilda earned a psychology degree from the University of Toronto in 2006, an achievement that represented far more than just academic success.

Her interest in psychology stemmed from a deeply personal place. “I was interested in psychology because I wanted to explore my own life issues,” Mathilda said. “I was struggling with weight issues, had anxiety, was socially introverted, and had a lot of unanswered questions – even in church. I wanted to understand myself better and find healing and peace.” This quest for self-understanding would become the driving force behind Mathilda’s future endeavors, shaping her approach to both business and personal growth.

The years of study were challenging, but they also opened new worlds of understanding for Mathilda. She delved into theories of human behavior, explored the complexities of the mind, and began to gain insights into her own struggles. This period of academic exploration laid the groundwork for the holistic approach to wellness that would later define her professional life.

However, the completion of her degree brought with it a new set of challenges. Post-graduation, and after working many years in the financial and health industries, Mathilda found herself at a crossroads. Even though “I was broke” and facing financial instability despite her corporate job, she felt a gnawing sense of unfulfillment. The work, while secure, failed to ignite her passion or align with her growing desire to make a meaningful impact on others’ lives.

This sense of stagnation became the catalyst for a new phase of exploration. Mathilda began to delve into various self-development techniques, each offering a new perspective on personal growth and healing. She explored neuro-linguistic programming, fascinated with its potential to reshape thought patterns and behaviors. She studied emotional freedom techniques and Reiki, intrigued by the idea of releasing emotional blockages through physical interventions.

But it was hypnotherapy that proved truly transformative for Mathilda. “Hypnotherapy changed my life,” she says, her eyes lighting up as she speaks. “It helped me to release my negative emotions, beliefs, and patterns, and to create new ones that supported my goals and dreams.” The power of this technique to access and reshape the subconscious mind resonated deeply with Mathilda, offering her a tool not just for personal healing, but for helping others as well. She underwent training and started practicing as a hypnotherapist in 2013.

Inspired with her own transformation, Mathilda made the bold decision to become a certified hypnotherapist. This move marked a significant shift in her career trajectory, moving her away from the corporate world and towards a path of service and healing. She opened her own practice, eager to share the benefits of hypnotherapy with others who, like her, were seeking deeper understanding and personal growth.

This transition wasn’t without its challenges. Starting a new career came with financial uncertainties and the daunting task of building a client base. But Mathilda approached these obstacles with the same determination that had carried her through her earlier hardships. She saw each challenge as an opportunity for growth, each setback as a lesson to be learned.

As she worked with clients, Mathilda’s approach to healing continued to evolve. She began to see connections between mental, emotional, and physical well-being, recognizing that true health requires a holistic approach. This realization would shape her future endeavors, leading her to explore additional modalities of healing and wellness.

Throughout this period of professional development, Mathilda never lost sight of her own journey of self-discovery. She continued to work on herself, using the techniques she was learning to address her own lingering issues with anxiety and self-image. This commitment to personal growth alongside professional development became a cornerstone of Mathilda’s philosophy, informing her belief that to truly help others, one must first do the work of healing oneself.

Nourishing Body and Soul

As Mathilda’s understanding of holistic health deepened, so too did her passion for sharing this knowledge with others. Her journey of self-discovery expanded beyond the realm of psychology and hypnotherapy, leading her to explore the interconnected worlds of yoga and nutrition. In 2016, she co-founded Alam Yoga and Wellness, a venture that allowed her to begin coaching clients on making sustainable lifestyle changes for long-term health.

This new endeavor represented more than just a business opportunity for Mathilda; it was a chance to create a sanctuary of healing, a place where others could embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and transformation. At Alam Yoga and Wellness, Mathilda began to synthesize her diverse knowledge base, creating programs that addressed not just physical fitness, but mental and emotional well-being as well.

As a yoga instructor, Mathilda found herself drawn to the philosophy of Ahimsa, the yogic principle of non-violence and respect for all living things. This principle resonated deeply with her, aligning with her growing interest in plant-based nutrition. She began to see food not just as fuel for the body, but as a powerful tool for healing and transformation.

This realization led to a personal experiment: Mathilda decided to adopt a fully plant-based diet. The results were transformative. “Within two months, I experienced remarkable health improvements,” Mathilda said. “My arthritis disappeared, my blood sugar stabilized, and I found relief from chronic migraines and joint pain.” This personal experience with the healing power of plant-based nutrition would become the cornerstone of her next big venture.

Inspired by her own transformation and driven by a desire to share the benefits of plant-based eating with her community, Mathilda made the bold decision to open her own restaurant. Mathilda’s Restaurant was born from this vision, a culinary haven offering nutritious, plant-based meals that reflect both Mathilda’s Indonesian heritage and her commitment to wholesome ingredients. Her nutritional food offering reflects an international flavor, melding ingredients from across the globe into creative dishes.

Opening a restaurant was a leap of faith, requiring not just financial investment but a deep belief in her mission. “It was a huge step,” Mathilda said. “But I felt called to do it. I saw it as a way to serve more people, to bring healing through food.” Her background in psychology and wellness informed every aspect of the restaurant’s design and menu, creating an environment that nourishes not just the body, but the soul as well.

The restaurant quickly gained popularity, offering a diverse menu of soups, salads, pasta, and sandwiches. Each dish is crafted with care, using ingredients chosen not just for their flavor, but for their nutritional benefits as well. The kitchen operates with a quiet efficiency, reflecting the calm, meditative environment Mathilda has cultivated throughout the restaurant.

But Mathilda’s approach to health extends far beyond just serving healthy meals. Her vision of wellness is truly holistic, encompassing mental, emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being. Drawing on her diverse educational background – spanning psychology, gerontology, hypnotherapy, finance, and yoga therapy – Mathilda has developed a unique approach to coaching clients on sustainable lifestyle changes.

“Wellness isn’t just about eating right or exercising,” Mathilda said. “It’s about creating balance in all aspects of life. It’s about healing the whole person.” This philosophy informs every aspect of her work, from the meals served at her restaurant to the one-on-one coaching sessions she conducts with clients.

Mathilda’s personal transformation stands as a testament to the efficacy of her approach. By focusing on a healthy and connected lifestyle rather than trying to lose weight, Mathilda released 50 pounds of excess weight. “It wasn’t about the number on the scale,” she says. “It was about feeling good in my body, about having energy and vitality.” Her journey demonstrates the power of self-love and mindful living, principles she now shares with others through her various ventures.

As her business grew, so did Mathilda’s impact on her community. She began offering workshops and seminars on topics ranging from plant-based nutrition to stress management techniques. Her restaurant became more than just a place to eat; it became a hub for wellness education and community building.

Empowering Others Through Wellness
From Trauma to Tranquility

A Lighthouse of Hope

Today, Mathilda Irawan stands as a multifaceted entrepreneur, her influence extending far beyond the walls of her restaurant. In addition to Mathilda’s Restaurant, she is also the owner of Mathilda’s Sauces Inc., a line of vegan, gluten-free, and oil-free sauces that allow people to bring the flavors and health benefits of her cuisine into their own homes.

But Mathilda’s true impact lies not just in her business success, but in the lives she touches and transforms through her work. Her vision is clear and unwavering: to create a positive impact by helping people awaken to their true potential. “I believe that we are all here for a reason and that we have a mission to fulfill,” she says, her voice filled with conviction. “I believe that we are all connected and that we can support each other and lift each other.”

This belief in the interconnectedness of all beings informs every aspect of Mathilda’s work. Whether she’s crafting a new menu item for her restaurant, developing a coaching program, or speaking at a wellness seminar, her focus remains on empowering others to live their best lives.

Mathilda’s approach to business is as holistic as her approach to wellness. She sees her various ventures not as separate entities, but as interconnected parts of a larger mission. Her restaurant nourishes bodies, her coaching practice nurtures minds and souls, and her product line brings wellness into people’s homes. Each aspect of her work supports and enhances the others, creating a comprehensive approach to health and well-being.

Her success has not gone unnoticed. Mathilda has been featured in local and national media, recognized for both her entrepreneurial success and her commitment to community wellness. But for Mathilda, the true measure of success lies not in accolades or financial gain, but in the impact she has on individual lives.

“Every time someone tells me that a meal at my restaurant made them feel better, or that a coaching session helped them overcome a challenge, I’m reminded of why I do this work,” Mathilda said. “It’s about creating ripples of positive change, one person at a time.”

For those seeking their own path to purpose and happiness, Mathilda offers wisdom gained from her journey:

Practice gratitude daily. “Gratitude shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have,” Mathilda said. “It’s a powerful tool for changing your perspective and your life.”

Maintain a positive outlook, focusing on solutions rather than problems. “Challenges are inevitable,” she said. “But how you respond to them is a choice. Choose to see opportunities for growth.”

Stay curious and open-minded, embracing new experiences and perspectives. “Life is a continuous journey of learning,” Mathilda said. “Be open to new ideas and experiences. They might just change your life.”

Be authentic and true to yourself. “Your uniqueness is your strength,” she emphasizes. “Don’t try to be someone else. The world needs your authentic self.”

Show compassion and generosity, both in giving and receiving help. “We’re all interconnected,” Mathilda reminds us. “By lifting others, we lift ourselves. This is the golden rule.”

Mathilda Irawan’s story is one of transformation – from a struggling immigrant to a beacon of wellness and entrepreneurship. Her journey reminds us that our greatest challenges can become the foundation for our most meaningful contributions to the world. As she continues to inspire and empower others through her various ventures, Mathilda embodies her own philosophy: “I strive for mindfulness and bliss.”

Looking to the future, Mathilda remains excited and optimistic. She has plans to expand her restaurant, develop new product lines, and reach even more people with her message of holistic wellness. But regardless of how her business grows, her core mission remains the same: to help people awaken to their true potential and live their best lives.

“I don’t know exactly what the future holds,” Mathilda says, her smile radiating warmth and conviction. “But I know that I’m ready for it. I have a purpose, a vision, and a mission, and I’m fulfilling it every day.”

As the sun sets over Oshawa, casting a warm glow through the windows of Mathilda’s Restaurant, one can’t help but feel a sense of hope and possibility. In this space, created by a woman who has overcome so much, there’s a palpable sense of transformation in the air. It’s a reminder that no matter where we come from or what challenges we face, we all have the power to create meaningful transformation – in our own lives, and in the world around us.

Mathilda Irawan’s journey from struggle to sanctuary serves as an inspiration to all who encounter her story. It reminds us that our past does not define our future, that our challenges can become our greatest strengths, and that with determination, compassion, and a commitment to personal growth, we can transform not just our own lives, but the lives of those around us as well.

Inner Work Matters Most
Mathilda’s Lifestyle of Soul Healing

Living For Purpose

Mathilda models a smile that lights up a room. As the founder and CEO of Mathilda’s, the premier plant-food restaurant offering healthy meal services to promote wellness, she lives her days with purpose. However, behind her smile lies a history of struggle, trauma, and anxiety that shaped her journey. Her dedication to inner work had a profound impact on her anxiety and self-image. Through her exploration of hypnotherapy and self-development books, she found tools and techniques that helped her manage her anxiety more effectively.

Mathilda incorporates inner work into her daily routine through a combination of structured practices and mindful habits. Here are some key elements of her routine:

Morning Meditation:

Mathilda starts her day with a meditation session. This practice helps her center herself, reduce anxiety, and set a positive tone for the day.


She dedicates time each morning and during the day sometimes to journaling. This allows her to reflect on her thoughts, emotions, and experiences, providing clarity and insight into her inner world.

Reading Self-Development Books

Mathilda makes it a habit to read books on self-development and hypnotherapy. This not only expands her knowledge but also provides practical techniques she can apply in her life. S he listens to audiobooks and podcasts to help expand her perspective and shift her limiting beliefs in order to live more peacefully.

Hypnotherapy Sessions

She regularly practices self-hypnosis and facilitates hypnotherapy sessions to help others address deep-seated issues and foster healing .

Mindful Breaks

Throughout the day, Mathilda and her team take time to move mindfully and energize the body. She also helps to address any physical pain and discomfort that people may be facing.

Evening Reflection

At the end of the day, Mathilda spends time with her dogs and tends to her garden. Animals and plants provide so much insight into her life and they help her reflect on her achievements and challenges. This practice helps her maintain a positive outlook and continuously improve her self-awareness.

Physical Activity

Incorporating physical exercise, such as yoga or walking, is also part of her routine. This not only benefits her physical health but also contributes to her mental well-being.

By integrating these practices into her daily life, Mathilda is able to create a balanced routine that supports her inner work and personal growth. This holistic approach plays a significant role in transforming her self-image, leading to a more fulfilling and empowered life.

Mathilda’s journey is a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human soul. From a young immigrant facing discrimination and hardship to a successful entrepreneur and wellness advocate, she has transformed her struggles into a force for positive change. Her story resonates with those seeking purpose and healing in their own lives. Mathilda’s belief that healing one’s soul is the key to living a fulfilling life permeates everything she does. She believes that our greatest challenges can become the foundation for our most meaningful contributions to the world.

As Mathilda continues to inspire and empower others through her work, her smile remains a testament to the joy she has found in living her purpose. In her own words, she is “striving for mindfulness and peace,” a living example of the transformation that is possible when one embraces their journey with courage, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to growth.

With collaboration of Qwai, the AI author assistant –

Mathilda Irawan’s restaurant, Mathilda’s, isn’t just a place to satiate hunger—it’s a sanctuary for the soul. On any given day, the hum of conversation mingles with the aromatic symphony of herbs and spices, creating a harmony that patrons describe as transformative

In the heart of Oshawa, Ontario, nestled between the unassuming shopfronts on Simcoe Street, lies a culinary oasis bathed in golden sunlight and brimming with life

Mathilda, with her warm smile and welcoming demeanor, is the embodiment of the restaurant’s philosophy: nurturing the body and soul through mindful eating. But her journey to cultivating this haven was neither straightforward nor effortless. It was a path paved with challenges, resilience, and an unwavering mindset centered on abundance, wellness, wisdom, and worthiness – on what this magazine recognizes as truly the millionaire mindset.

Today, Mathilda’s stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration in Oshawa. It’s a place where people come not just to eat, but to heal, connect, and grow. Mathilda Irawan’s story is a testament to the transformative power of mindset—the ability to turn dreams into reality through resilience, innovation, and unwavering self-belief.

Mathilda envisions a future where her philosophy of wellness and abundance extends beyond her restaurant. She dreams of opening a community garden, launching a wellness retreat, and publishing books that share not just her recipes but the wisdom that underpins her life.

As she looks ahead, Mathilda continues to embody the principles that have guided her journey: embracing every challenge as an opportunity, cultivating a spirit of abundance in all aspects of life, and nurturing a deep sense of worthiness and wisdom. Her story is a shining example for all who seek to foster a mindset of holistic wealth and wellness.

Her legacy is not just a successful restaurant but a movement – a movement that invites each of us to find healing and abundance within ourselves and in our community. Through her journey, we are reminded that true wealth lies not in material possessions but in the richness of our experiences, connections, and the love we share.

Through Mathilda Irawan’s inspiring journey, we learn that a mindset grounded in abundance, wellness, wisdom, and worthiness can lead us to a life of true wealth and fulfillment.

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